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SBH Updates Staff Policy on COVID-19 Protocol

February 7, 2022 

Dear SBH Staff,

This letter serves as clarification of the protocol we have implemented to manage vaccinated and
unvaccinated staff who have either been exposed to COVID-positive individuals or have contracted the COVID-19 virus themselves.

Asymptomatic vaccinated staff exposed to a COVID-positive person will not need to quarantine. Staff will test on Day 5, while wearing an N95 mask at school. [Date of exposure is considered Day zero (0); Day 1 is the next full day]. Once they receive results, staff will submit them to HR and the nurse team. If staff develop symptoms at any time, he/she must make the nurses and HR aware and quarantine immediately.

Asymptomatic vaccinated staff who are COVID-positive will quarantine for 5 days. On Day 5, they will take a COVID PCR test and return to work on Day 6 wearing an N95 mask until Day 10, post-exposure. Once you receive your test results, email them to HR and the nurse team. If staff develop symptoms at any time, he/she must make HR aware and quarantine immediately.

Asymptomatic un-vaccinated staff exposed to a COVID-positive person will quarantine for 7 days and test on Day 6. Once test results are received, submit them to HR and the nursing team. If results are negative, the staff may return to work with an N95 mask until Day 10, post-exposure. If staff develop symptoms at any time, he/she must make HR aware and quarantine immediately.

Asymptomatic un-vaccinated staff who are COVID-positive will quarantine for 7 days and test on Day 6. Once test results are received, submit them to HR and the nursing team. If staff does not have any symptoms, he/she may return to school and wear an N95 mask until Day 10, post-exposure.

Vaccinated or un-vaccinated staff who are symptomatic will need to quarantine at home for at least 5 days, while keeping HR aware of their symptoms. Once you are symptom-free for 24hrs (fever, wet productive cough, body aches, chills, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea) and have not taken any medication to reduce symptoms, you may return to school wearing an N95 mask for 5 days. You will also need to re-test on or before your 10th day, depending on the number of days you are symptomatic.

PLEASE NOTE: Staff who are COVID-positive, having symptoms and have students/family members in their home who attend or work at SBHS will all need to stay home and get a COVID PCR test. This will establish a baseline for those persons. All will remain home until results are received.

These policies as well as an FAQ can be found on our website in the new “COVID-19” section. Additionally, there will be a brief Q&A discussing these policies at Teacher Work Day on February 8. A Facebook Live event for parents explaining the COVID-19 student policies is scheduled for Thurs, February 10 at 6:00PM on our school Facebook page (SallieBHowardSchool).


Sallie B. Howard School
COVID Task Force