
The mission of the Sallie B. Howard Athletic Department is to aid in the academic, emotional and physical development of our student athletes through teamwork, sportsmanship, character-building and athletic competition. The SBH Athletic program is curated with the whole child in mind. This program seeks to instill self-confidence and self-discipline in student-athletes and encourage them to become positive contributors to our school community.

Athletic Programs Offered

Fall Sports (August – October)
  • Girls and Boys Cross Country
  • Volleyball
Winter Sports (November – February)
  • Cheer
  • Wrestling
  • Girls and Boys Basketball
Spring Sports (End of February – May)
  • Tennis
  • Soccer

Core Values

P. Perserverance
R. Respect
I. Integrity
D. Discipline
E. Excellence

Coaching Staff

Sallie B. Howard Coaches are an intricate component of the Athletics program. They serve as both teachers and active program participants. They have the responsibility to model behaviors and characteristics that best motivate and inspire the student-athletes.

In order to be an effective Coach and role model, Sallie B. Howard Coaches must be knowledgeable in their sport, capable of preparing detailed and well managed practices, able to motivate athetes, make adjustments during competition, and work effectiviely under the authority of the Athletic Director and School Leadership.

Coaches are required to be NFHS Coaching Education certified.


Without strong parental support, student-athletes run the risk of not living up to their full potential. It is important that parents provide positive reinforcement to coaches and their team and encourage their child’s athletic endeavors.

Parents of student-athletes are expected to:

  • Understand that academics are a priority over athletics and encourage successful classroom performance.
  • Support and be enthusiastic about their child’s sport
  • Be positive and help their child understand the benefits of athletic participation regardless of performance or contest results.
  • Insist their child abide by the rules and expectations of the athletic department.
  • Encourage fair play.
  • Respect the actions of coaches regarding contest strategy, their child’s play status and playing time.
  • Avoid “coaching” from the stands or sidelines during both games and practices.
  • Ensure their child attends all practices and contests and are picked up at designated times.

***Parents are required to join REMIND App to receive communications from the Athletic Staff. This communication can include: practice times, game announcements, and departure and arrival times for away competitions. Parents are required to keep contact information updated with the Athletic Staff.


***Parents are asked to show respect to the Coaching staff by picking up student-athletes on time.

Student Athletics

Student-Athletes Sallie B. Howard student athletes are required to embrace the pursuit of a good education and understand that “Education comes first.” Sallie B. Howard athletes should be diligent in preparation, give 100% at all times, demonstrate personal discipline, be respectfull in all situations, maintain self-control, show humility, and aggressively pursue excellence regardless of the score, opponent, playing time, referee, or any situation that arises.


  • The student athlete must receive a medical examination each year by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant.
  • In grades 6-8, students must pass at least one less course than the number of required core courses each semester and meet promotion standards established by the LEA/Charter School (NCDPI Middle School Athletics Manual).
  • If an athlete is “academically eligible” or “academically ineligible” at the beginning of any semester, that status is retained throughout the full semester (NCDPI Middle School Athletics Manual).
  • It is the responsibililty of the school principal/designee to check the academic status of each student-athlete enrolled in school at the beginning and close of a semester.
  • An athlete becomes eligible or ineligible on the first day of the new semester.


  • The principal/school must have evidence of the legal birth of the student.
  • A student shall not participate on a 6-8 grade team if the student becomes 15 years old on or before August 31 of that school year.
  • A student shall not participate on a 9th grade junior high school team if the student becomes 16 years of age on or before August 31 of that school year.
  • Once a student begins practicing with a high school team, he/she may not, at a later date, move down to play on a 6-8 or a 9th grade team.
  • A 9th grade student beginning play with a junior high school team may, at a later date, move to the high school team but can not return to the junior high school team.

Students with Identified Disabilities

  • A student with a disability, an IEP or a 504 plan must meet all requirements that apply to the regular education student.


  • A player must have attended school at least 85% of the previous semester.
  • A player must, at any time of any game in which he/she participates, be a regularly enrolled member of the school’s student body, according to local policy.
  • Student-athletes must be in school on the day of the contest.

Gfeller Waller Concussion Awareness

  • Student-athletes will be provided with Gfeller Waller North Carolina High School Athletic Association Student-Athlete and Parent/Legal Guardian concussion information.
  • Student-athletes shall read, initial, sign and return the Student-Athlete and Parent/Legal Guardian Information Sheet before beginning participation in a practice or an interscholastic athletic contest.
  • Parent/Legal Guardians will be provided with Gfeller Waller North Carolina High School Athletic Association Student-Athlete and Parent/Legal Guardian concussion information.
  • Parent/Legal Guardians shall read, initial, sign and return the Student Athlete and Parent/Legal Guardian Information Sheet before the student begins participation in a practice or an interscholastic athletic contest.
  • School representatives (Athletic Director, Coach, Volunteer, School Nurse, First Responder) will be provided with the Gfeller Waller North Carolina High School Athletic Association School and Athletic concussion information sheet.

In the case of an injury:

  1. Concussion: If a student-athlete exhibits signs and symptoms consistent with a concussion (even if not formally diagnosed), the student-athlete is to be removed from play and is not allowed to return to play (game, practice, or conditioning) on that day.
  2. Student-athletes are encouraged to report their own symptoms, or to report if peers may have concussion symptoms. Coaches, parents, volunteers, first responders, school nurses, licensed athletic trainers (if available), are responsible for removing a student-athlete from play if they suspect a concussion.
  3. Following the injury, the student-athlete should be evaluated by a qualified medical professional with training in concussion management. It is strongly recommended that each institution seek qualified medical professionals in the surrounding community to serve as resources in the area of concussion management.
  4. Any student athlete who suffers a head injury that results in a concussion or ANY symptoms associated with a concussion must submit to his/her coach or athletic director a completed and signed NCHSAA Concussion Return to Play Form before resuming any athletic activities.

***All injuries should be treated with caution and handled with care. Parents will be contacted in the event of all injuries and consulted with on any treatment decisions.

***If an athlete misses practice or games due to the request of a physician, the athlete should return to play when released with a note of clearance to play.


Sallie B. Howard Athletics reserves the right to remove any student-athlete whose behavior is inappropriate and reflects negatively on the team and the overall school.


  • Student Athletes suspended from school (in-school or out-of-school) are not permitted to participate in or attend any athletic events during the period of their suspension. This includes team practices.
  • Students who repeatedly break school rules resulting in ASD/OSS will receive game suspension and/or be removed from athletic teams. Suggestions from the coaches can be made, however the final decision will be made by the Athletic Director.


Student athletes are representatives of the school and the community. Therefore, they must:

  • Remain academically eligible.
  • Act in a responsible manner, realizing at all times that athletes represent their school and community.
  • Attend and arrive on-time for all practices and games.
  • Refrain from using profanity or obscene language or gestures.
  • Show good sportsmanship and respect for officials, coaches and fellow athletes.
  • Care for all athletic equipment issued throughout the season.
  • Play fair, play hard and put forth their best effort in practice and in competition.
  • Treat other student-athletes with respect and dignity.

Athletes who fail to comply with these expectations may face disciplinary actions, including but not limited to dismissal from the team.

Attendance at Practice and Games

Each student-athlete must assume the resposibilities associated with their role in Sallie B. Howard Athletics. The athlete has an ethical obligation to his/her team. This obligation includes regular attendance at practice and athletic contests. It is possible, of course, that emergency situations may arise (illness, death in family, etc.) that render it impossible for an athlete to attend a practice session or an athletic contest. Absences should be few and far between and arranged with the coach as soon as possible.

***Three or more unexcused absences can result in loss of play and/or dismissal from the team.

Criteria for Team Selection

The number of students permitted on some teams may be limited due to allowable roster sizes. For these teams, a tryout will be conducted. At the tryout, all athletes will be afforded an opportunity to showcase their talents and earn a spot on the roster. Team selection will be at the sole discretion of the coach. Coaches will communicate clear and consistent criteria for the tryout period. Criteria may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Demonstration of positive behavior and attitude
  • Demonstration of good sportsmanship and teamwork
  • Demonstration of physical fitness
  • Demonstration of required skills


  • Travel to all athletic contests must be on the team travel bus.
  • If a parent/legal guardian chooses to pick up their child from an away contest, the parent/legal guardian will need to sign a student release form that will be provided by the Coach or Athletic Director.
  • Students must have transportation home after games and practices.
  • Students are not permitted to walk home after practices or games under any circumstances.
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