We know children are more likely to succeed if their parents are active in school. Many parents find it overwhelming, but you don’t have to miss work or overload your schedule. Sallie B. Howard has a volunteer program that actively engages parents in different activities around the school. Here are seven ideas for getting involved.
Parent-teacher conferences: Attend all parent-teacher conferences. You will receive updates on your child and learn what you can do to help. Even if your child is thriving, you can still learn how to continue supporting that success.

Chaperone dances and field trips: These student activities are much more relaxed and demand less from you. You can observe your child in new environments and share in their experiences. Dances and similar events give you insight into your child’s social dynamics.
Classroom reading: Elementary grades seek readers so teachers can get breaks, and children benefit from hearing stories. This activity often only requires your lunch break or another brief period during the day. Consider asking your child’s teacher to start a guest reader program where parents share their favorite books.
Offer your skills: If you are good at website development, crafting, art or even administrative tasks, ask your school if they need help in these areas. You can take a big load off teachers and administrators by getting these items off their schedules.
Classroom parties: Students love their classroom parties! Volunteer to coordinate parties based on seasons or holidays. Offer to decorate, chaperone or organize some games.

Grounds maintenance: As school budgets tighten, grounds maintenance becomes difficult. You can help by picking up litter or performing other yard tasks for an hour over the weekend. If you have a green thumb, consider planting flowers or even starting a class vegetable garden.
Listen to your child: Sometimes, kids rope their parents into volunteering. Perhaps you have an interesting career that students would enjoy learning about. Or you have unique skills that students would enjoy trying or seeing demonstrated. If your child mentions these things, listen. Then see if you can present something to the class.
Sallie B. Howard School of Arts & Science believes parent participation is vital for children’s success. Please contact us anytime if you have questions about volunteering and increasing your involvement.