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Don’t Be Bored This Summer! Consider Volunteering in Your Spare Time

Summertime for teens means they have more free time to lay back and do the things they enjoy. However, some might have a tendency to take the concept of “the lazy days of summer” too literally and become lethargic. Staying active and busy during the summertime is essential for the overall wellbeing of both kids and parents.

One of the best ways to stave off boredom and make a difference in your life and the lives of others is to consider volunteering in the community. There are many benefits to doing so and several ways to pay it forward with a volunteer program.

The Wonderful Benefits of Community Volunteerism

Doing things that benefit others also brings about benefits for anyone volunteering their time. Such acts have a tendency to increase one’s own self-esteem, providing a greater feeling of self-worth and a sense of purpose.


Helping people with different life circumstances also helps teenagers become more empathetic to others in their lives. This helps instill the mindset to continue with such generosity for a lifetime.

Another lesser known benefit of volunteering as a teen is that it helps boost the appeal of college applications. Schools look for well-rounded applicants from public schools with experience volunteering, as they often are more dependable and have stronger leadership, management and communication skills.

Great Volunteer Opportunities for Teens

During the summertime, there are several ways to serve the community:

  • Volunteers hand out essentials, clothing or meals at a local homeless shelter, food bank or their place of worship.
  • Love animals? Local animal shelters are always looking for volunteers to help exercise the animals, assist at feeding times and to simply play with the furry friends in their care.
  • Teens who enjoy helping other kids learn and grow can become a Big Sister or Big Brother camp counselor in the summer.
  • Passionate about the environment? Check out conservation groups to see how you can help with cleanup days or preservation efforts.
  • Health-related causes are always in need of help from volunteers to raise money, deliver meals and spend time visiting seniors and those with mobility issues in the community.

Grow & Expand at Sallie B. Howard

At the Sallie B. Howard School of Arts & Science, we believe in providing young people with an array of opportunities that encourage them to expand their appreciation for their community and the world around them. Exploring opportunities does just that. Keep in mind, it’s not the amount of time one spends giving to others, but the quality of the time given that matters.