P.E. Guidelines

Dress Code

  • Standard attire for Physical Education classes for 2-8 grades consists of athletic shorts, SBH physical education t-shirt, socks and athletic shoes.
  • Students are required to purchase a minimum of two PE shirts and 1 pair of PE shorts from the school store. Only navy blue shorts can be worn. Students are required to dress in proper attire daily.
  • Parents, please be sure to label your students belongings in the hem of any attire purchased.
  • Students are not permitted to share any part of their uniforms.

Grading (2-3)

  • Participation 50%
  • Dress Out/Homework 20%
  • Quizzes 10%
  • EOQ 20%


  • Participation 50%
  • Dress Out/Homework 25%
  • CFA 10%
  • EOQ 15%


SBHS P.E. students will:

  • Be respectful and exhibit positive attitudes.
  • Dress out quickly in proper uniform daily and report to exercise lines with no unnecessary talking.
  • Be receptive to correction when given independently or in a group setting.
  • Show respect to yourself, classmates, PE equipment and facilities.
  • Show integrity and responsibility.
  • Be supportive of others in the class.
  • Demonstrate discipline, confidence and a desire to improve your personal health and fitness.


  • Doctors notes are the only excuse from participating in Physical Education. This note must indicate specific dates and reasons. If the medical excuse is for more than ½ of the marking period, arrangements will be made for student.
  • A parent’s note will excuse the student for the day. Parent notes are only good for two (2) days. Three or more days and the student will be required to bring a Doctor’s note.


A = Act Safely
B = Be prepared and be positive (Show Sportsmanship)
C = Cooperate
D = Do your best


Step #1: Student will first be verbally corrected.
Step #2: If negative behavior continues, student will receive a reset (separated from physical activity).
Step #3: Continued negative behavior will result in contacting the parent.
Step #4: If contacting parents is unsuccessful, then the student will be written up.

Dress Out Consequence – Students who fail to properly dress out for three (3) consecutive days will result in a disciplinary write up.

The Remind App is used to send out reminders, updates and other information. In order to distribute current information, updated parent phone numbers are needed at all times.


Coach R. Pierce
Athletic Director
Physical Education Teacher
Head Basketball Coach
Head Track and Field Coach
PIAC Executive Board Member

Planning period: 8:00AM – 9:00PM

Sallie B. Howard School of the Arts
1004 Herring Ave.
Wilson, NC 27893
252-293-4150 ext. 3010

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