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Thank you, North Carolina, for These Inventions!

Did you know that there are tons of inventions that have come out of North Carolina? That’s right, from the barcode to overalls, inventors in our Tarheel State have worked hard to bring the world some extremely useful products. Here are five of our favorites. Did you know they were invented in our state?

The first Krispy-Kreme Donut shop was in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, North Carolina

Krispy-Kreme Donuts

Yes, everyone’s favorite glazed treats started right here in Winston-Salem in 1937. Vernon Rudolph began selling his confections to local grocery stores and the rest is history.

The Barcode

You probably see it every day or at least on a trip to the grocery store. The barcode was invented in 1969 in Raleigh by George Lauer, a designer tasked with coming up with a universal grocery store scanning label. He later presented his idea to IBM, whose executives found the whole thing a genius idea.

The barcode was invented in Raleigh, North Carolina in 1969 by George Lauer


You cannot talk about North Carolina inventions without at least mentioning the Wright Brothers and Kitty Hawk. As the original fly boys of our nation, they invented the airplane. So, next time you jet off on vacation, be sure to think about their efforts.


Not much is known about why or who invented the overalls. However, it is widely regarded that North Carolina’s agriculture industry gets to take credit. The details we do know? These proud inventors lived in Clinton and made their creation known in 1859.


This popular national soft drink brand has North Carolina roots. It was first served in a drugstore in New Bern around 1896, and the rest is history.

How Do You Become an Inventor?

If you want to add your name to the list of proud inventors from North Carolina, the process isn’t as difficult as you might believe. Once you have an idea, start documenting everything you possibly can about the item. Be as thorough and descriptive as possible. If you can, draw it out and document the design.

Next, file for a patent. This is sometimes a difficult thing to undertake on your own, so it is worth hiring a trusted attorney familiar with the process to help you out. From there, the review board will tell you whether the product infringes on someone else’s idea or if it is clear to patent. Once your patent is granted, you’ll be free to either license the idea to a manufacturer or take steps to put it in production yourself.

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Our mission is to provide every child – privileged or underprivileged – with the kind of education that nurtures their gifts, talents, and potential and enables them to become more than they ever thought they would be.

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