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Try These Six Fun Suggestions to Celebrate Earth Day With Your Family

Earth Day is a celebration held each year on April 22, dedicated to learning new ways to protect the environment and preserve the planet. The first official Earth Day in the United States kicked off with a national teach-in led by Sen. Gaylord Nelson in 1970. From art schools in North Carolina to colleges throughout the country, campuses everywhere began bringing attention to the needs of the planet.

Today, Earth Day is celebrated throughout the world, carrying on the tradition of providing educational and inspirational material for those who participate in the event. You can celebrate Earth Day with your family in a number of ways. It’s an excellent time to teach the younger generation about recycling, reducing waste, how plants grow, and ways to use less energy.

Fun suggestions to celebrate earth day with your family this year include:

  • Start some seeds with your kids to prepare for the upcoming growing season.
  • Take a walk around the neighborhood and look for signs of spring.
  • Spend some time picking up trash in an area that needs to be cleaned up.
  • Make crafts using only recycled materials.
  • Make a bird feeder for your yard, using simple materials such as pinecones, peanut butter and seeds.
  • Talk about the importance of turning off lights and electronics when you are not using them.

There are many ways you can celebrate Earth Day with your family this year. With over a billion people taking part in various events throughout the world, it is usually possible to find an activity in your area to join in. When we teach our children the importance of caring for the Earth, we will build a generation of people who make a commitment to leaving the world a better place than when they found it.

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