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Parents / School Promises

These promises are the promises we must keep if we want to be extraordinary now, in high school, in college, and in life.

SBHS Parent/Guardians’ Promises

  • We promise to support our child’s education at SBHS. Therefore…
  • We will make sure our child arrives at SBHS everyday by 7:45 am
  • We will make sure our child learns at SBHS for the entire academic school day.
  • We will do whatever it takes for our child to learn.
  • We will check our child’s homework and planner, let him/her call the teacher if he/she has trouble with completing his/her homework, and create time for him/her to read for thirty minutes every night.
  • We will always make ourselves available to provide support for our children. This means that we willnotify the office if our child is going to miss school, read all the papers that the school sends home to us, attend school events and parent meetings, and notify the school immediately if and when our contact information changes.
  • We understand all prizes at SBHS are earned by working hard and being excellent teammates.
  • We understand all consequences at SBHS are earned. When our child makes a poor choice, we will support the school’s consequences.
  • We will allow our child to earn and participate in all field trips and activities that he or she earns.
  • We will make sure our child follows the SBHS dress code and wears a tucked-in SBHS uniform shirt, a belt, and non-scuff sneakers every day.
  • We understand that our child must follow the SBHS rules so as to protect the safety, interests, and rights of all individuals in the school

If we keep these promises, we know we will see our child earn a college degree and a successful life. If we do not keep these promises, we know our child will lose prizes, receive consequences and can be removed from SBHS.

SBHS Student’s Promise

  • I will arrive at SBHS everyday by 7:45 am or board the bus at the correct time.
  • I will remain at SBHS until 3:00 pm (Monday –Friday).
  • I will always work, think, and behave in the best way I know how and I will do whatever it takes for my fellow students and me to learn. This means I will complete all my homework, class work, projects and tests neatly and carefully.
  • I will find a smart solution or get help when I have a problem, and I will raise my hand and ask questions in class if I do not understand something.
  • I will follow my teacher’s directions and school rules because I understand that my teachers and parents want me to do well.
  • I will always tell the truth and own my words and actions. I want my parents, teachers, and classmates to trust me to do what is right and I will choose to behave in a trustworthy way.
  • I will always be respectful to my teachers and classmates and show everyone respect by listening to them.
  • I understand all prizes at SBHS are earned by working hard and being an excellent teammate.
  • I understand all consequences at SBHS are earned. When I make a poor choice I will accept the consequences.
  • I will dress professionally by following the SBHS dress code.

If I keep my promises, I know I will earn a college degree, a successful life, and the power to make the world a better place. If I do not keep these promises, I know I will lose prizes, receive consequences and I can be removed from SBHS.

SBHS Promises

We promise to prepare all of our students with the skills they need to succeed now, in high school, in college, and in life. Therefore…

  • Our teachers will arrive at SBHS everyday by 7:25 am or at 7:00 am when on morning duty.
  • Our teachers will remain at SBHS until 3:30 pm (Monday – Friday) or later for a scheduled meeting.
  • Our teachers will be available to address your questions and concerns and provide you with what you need to help your students learn what they need to succeed in class and achieve on exams.
  • Our teachers will remain in frequent communication with parents.
  • Our teachers will always teach our students in the best way we know how and we will do whatever it takes for our students to learn.
  • Our teachers will constantly work to become better teachers.
  • Our teachers will always protect the safety, interests, and rights of all the students in the school.
If we keep these promises, we know our students will be prepared for extraordinary lives. If we do not keep these promises, we know our teachers can be removed from SBHS.
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