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What Are Student Assessments and Why Are They Necessary?

The Sallie B. Howard Charter Public School puts a premium on ensuring that children are learning the academic skills they will need to become successful adults. To this end, we conduct assessments throughout the year and share results with teachers and parents.

What Are Student Assessments?

Student assessments measure a child’s academic performance in all academic subjects. These are given to all children in addition to the graded work and tests typically sent home with children every week.

We offer Common Formative Assessments (CFA) various times throughout a school quarter. We also conduct End of Quarter (EOQ) assessments and End of Year (EOY) assessments. CFA and EOQ assessments have more than a 50% impact on a child’s total grade.

Why Are Student Assessments Necessary?

Assessments measure a child’s performance in different academic subjects. They are more in-depth than a simple quiz or test and so can identify learning gaps that may need to be addressed at home and/or at school.

Assessments help teachers know which students need extra help and which need more challenging schoolwork in order to stay engaged. This knowledge enables our teachers to offer personalized help to ensure each child is getting a top-tier education.

Assessments also help teachers better meet a class’s needs. If all or most children do poorly in a certain area, a teacher can see from the assessment which topics need additional review and help. Assessments also help teachers better plan future classes and assignments.

How Are Students Prepared for Assessments?

In addition to offering a top-quality education, Sallie B. Howard also helps children master important personal work skills such as perseverance and self-discipline. Furthermore, we help children learn critical thinking, how to make inferences, and analytical skills, so they can understand and apply their academic learning.

We also encourage parents to help their children prepare for upcoming assessments by:

  • Reviewing key topics
  • Encouraging children to do their best and not worry too much about the results
  • Helping children get to bed on time the night before the assessment

SBHS participates in the state testing program and administers all end-of-year tests as well as other assessments that the state deems appropriate. Additionally, we conduct our own assessments to ensure children are getting the help and instruction they need and deserve. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our assessment process or other aspects of our school to better understand how we operate and what we have to offer your family.

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