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Enrichment Programs

Sallie B. Howard School offers activities that are fun and engaging and promote lifelong
academic skills and college readiness.

Science Fair
At Sallie B. Howard School, we nurture student curiosity through independent scientific exploration. The Science Fair is a rigorous competition that allows students to share their ideas and research findings with their peers and explore new possibilities. Participants are rewarded for their hard work and are encouraged to continue competing at regional and state levels.

Spelling Bee
The annual Spelling Bee helps students not only improve their spelling but increase their vocabularies and develop correct English usage that will help them throughout their social and professional lives. Learning high-frequency sight words has been shown to help with both reading and writing skills. Children who practice spelling improve both their literacy level and brain development.

College Career Readiness
We offer CCR classes to prospective college students in 6-8 classes to help students gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to be successful in high school, college and in the careers of their choice.

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