Frequently Asked Questions

A charter school is a public school funded with public money and operated independently of the local school district. A charter school is considered to be a “school of choice.” This simply means that no one is assigned to come to our school. Interested parents and students can choose to come to Sallie B. Howard School.
  • Improve student achievement.
  • Increase learning opportunities for all students, with special emphasis on expanded learning experiences for students who are identified as at risk of academic failure or academically gifted.
  • Encourage the use of different and innovative teaching methods.
  • Create new professional opportunities for teachers.
  • Provide parents and students with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system.
  • Be accountable for meeting measurable student achievement results.
Any child who qualifies to attend a North Carolina public school under the laws of North Carolina is also eligible to be accepted into a charter school. Parents must apply for the school they are interested in having their children attend by the stated application deadline.
Charter Schools are public schools and are, thus, tuition-free. Funding for the schools come from federal, state, and local taxes. Charter schools may not charge tuition, but may charge any fees to students and parents that are charged by the local school district in which the charter school is located, according to G.S. 115C-238.29F(b).
No. SBH is an independently operated public charter school under contract with the State Board of Education since 1997.
Yes. Students enrolling in charter schools are not restricted to one local school district. Parents may choose the school that they feel is most appropriate for their child. Charter schools in North Carolina must admit any child residing in North Carolina who is qualified to attend North Carolina schools regardless of the school district in which the child resides.

First, talk to your child’s teacher and/or school administrator. Schedule an appointment so that you have sufficient time to talk with the teacher or school administrator. Ultimately, the charter school board is responsible for all aspects of the school’s operations, including resolution of disputes or concerns brought forth by parents. The decision of the non-profit board, much like that of an elected school district board, is final. If after all concerns have been exhausted and there is still not a satisfactory resolution, you may contact the Office of Charter Schools and ask for the consultant that is assigned to the school.

Yes. All charter schools are required to take the state mandated tests. Information about all state tests is located here.
Yes. SBHS teach the Common Core and Essential Standards required by the State Board of Education and administer State End of Grade Exams. SBHS received a School Report Card grade of “B” and exceeded expected growth in students proficiency on EOG exams for the past two school years.
Yes. All SBHS teachers are certified by NC as highly qualified by and meet NC statutory requirements for charter school licensure.
The start and end dates contained in general statute for traditional public schools do not apply to charter schools. Charter schools must provide 185 days or 1025 hours of instruction. 
The charter school may provide transportation for students enrolled at the school, but is not required to. The charter school must, however, develop a transportation plan so that transportation is not a barrier to any student who resides in the local school district in which the school is located. The charter school is not required to provide transportation to any student who lives within one and one-half miles of the school. Charter schools must provide transportation to students who enroll and have transportation on their IEP as a “related service.”
Yes. Since charter schools are public schools, they must provide special education and related services to all eligible students. Charter schools must provide all special education support identified through the IEP process to students with disabilities determined eligible for EC services (including adapted PE and transportation).
When a child enrolls in a charter school with an IEP from a previous school, the charter school must follow that IEP until the charter school IEP team meets to review and revise the IEP or develop a new IEP.

Sallie B. Howard School currently serves students in grades K-12.

Yes, each day healthy and nutritious meals are prepared on-site for our students and staff. Our cafeteria provides meals free of cost to all students regardless of income level. Currently, parents are not required to submit meal applications.

Yes, every student at SBH is required to wear the SBH uniform each day. On occasion for special celebrations or fundraising events, students are permitted to wear their regular non-uniform clothes.

Pants:  Navy blue long pants or shorts (Middle School students may wear khaki pants also)
Shirts:  Red knit polo or golf shirt (short or long-sleeve) with official SBH monogram
Skirts/Dresses:  Navy blue for K-5 students, khaki for MS students. Skirts and dresses must be at a
modest length (to the knee is most acceptable).
Shoes:  Sneakers or boots of any color, with non-marking soles. No sandals.
Socks:  Navy, black, or white socks
Belts:  Black or brown belts must be worn with trousers.

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