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PRIDE Power: Building a Culture of Character

What is this?

A school-wide program to teach and practice foundational principals of character needed for success in school and life.

What are the principals of character being taught and practiced?

  • Perseverance
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Discipline
  • Excellence

When and how are these principals taught and practiced?

Orientation in the first week of school for one hour blocks by grade level 3-8; 30 minute block for grade levels K-2, followed by 30-60 minute weekly/monthly meetings by grade level.d

  • a. Each day a PRIDE value will be taught by a PRIDE leader using interactive, engaging, energizing activities
  • b. School wide affirmation taught and recited each day, internalizing PRIDE principles.
  • c. Teaching and using a common language and vocabulary used by entire school is a part of every lesson and reinforced each day, e.g., 100%, sweat the details, reset, no opt out, etc.
  • d. Something to notice, write, say, something to do, recite, is attached to most lessons in class and as homework to deepen the meaning of each lesson and principle.
  • e. Connecting principles and vocabulary to students’ daily lives at school, home, and community infuses and deepens the meaning of the principles to students. E.g., classrooms have visible PRIDE areas, greetings exchanged between teachers, adults, and students, PRIDE homework assignments involve parents, students conduct community service projects, etc. If no connections, students lose the meaning of these values. How do you see respect, excellence, perseverance, etc. in community service projects, in sharing homework with parents, in reciting affirmations, greeting adults, etc.?
  • f. Celebrations connected to PRIDE principles with visual rewards, e.g., picture on bulletin board, free snack, certificates, etc. Students should feel privileged in what they earn, but not better than others

Who will facilitate these sessions and develop the curriculum?

  • A team of leaders coordinated by the Executive Director, including all leadership members, ED, PRIDE chair, CCR Director, Parent & Volunteer Coordinator, Discipline Coordinator, School Therapist, and Community Rep.

Curriculum is intended to address and reinforce the following:

  • a. PRIDE values, vocabulary, meaning, application, acceptable and expected attitudes, behaviors, and consequences.
  • b. Uniform code of conduct, acceptable and expected attitudes, behaviors, and consequences
  • c. Uniform dress code, acceptable and expected attitudes, behaviors, and consequences
  • d. Response to interventions (RTI), including corrections, resets, recognitions, rewards, etc., acceptable and expected attitudes, behaviors, and consequences.
  • e. Career exposure to community professionals showing the possibility of career ambitions being real and achievable for people like themselves and fostering connections to the community.
  • f. Community service projects teaching the importance of giving back to the community and deepening the meaning and application of PRIDE values to self, school, home, community, and the world.
  • g. Celebrations, recognitions, connected to PRIDE values to develop deep sense of personal value and worthiness.

Guiding principles and practices

  • Tell me how you see PRIDE in this?
  • Let students find meaning.
  • Teach and use vocabulary daily to develop a common language school wide
  • Culture is infused by having it everywhere. It’s a no miss, can’t miss environment. Post catchy slogans in bathrooms and stalls, cafeteria, halls, classrooms, e.g.,
  • Connect to classroom (teacher involvement), non-instructional activities (cafeteria, bathrooms, recess), home (parent participation), community (service projects, career exposure), and self (personal meaning, ambition, discoveries, through homework, journaling, self expression).
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